Monday, May 25, 2020

Gender Inequality Is Defined As Unequal Treatment Or...

Gender inequality is defined as unequal treatment or perceptions of individuals based on their gender (Wikipedia). For as long as I can remember, there has always been issues with gender inequality. Whether it is within a family, in a workplace, or in school, it exists. Gender inequality is one of those things where no matter where you travel, there will always be those instances of someone feeling discriminated because they are a certain gender. We as a nation, need to come together and find a way to stop the effects of gender inequality. In September of 2014, actor Emma Watson arrived at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. While there, she announced that she was the new UN Woman Goodwill Ambassador. She also spoke about her new campaign title â€Å"He for She† (Watson). The backstory to this campaign is trying to get people to realize that there is a problem with gender inequality. The problem is not only with women either, Watson spoke about how there are ineq ualities for men as well. In her speech Watson says, â€Å"I’ve seen young men suffering from mental illness unable to ask for help for fear it would make them look less â€Å"macho† (Watson). When it comes to men and inequality men are intimidated by seeming too girly. This especially comes into mind with guys wanting to be certain things in life or acting a certain way. If a guy wants to have an emotional break down, it is unheard of because that is a girl thing to do. 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