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Big Bank Analysis Essay - 869 Words

Big Bank Case Analysis Operations Management MGT 713 Marla Fletcher October 21, 2012 Problem A bank is opening up a new branch where the operations manager will have to make important decisions regarding teller operations. A large apart of customer service is dependent upon wait time and seamless service. The operations manager wants to be prepared and avoid wait time complaints that have transpired at other branches. Since this is a new branch, demographics will also come into play in deciding how to approach teller operations. The operations manager collects data regarding teller operations which states that â€Å"an average 80 customers are processed during the noon hour. The average processing time for customers with a single†¦show more content†¦The manager must find part time tellers who only want part time work in order to eliminate the tradeoffs. Over time, part time workers will be beneficial and have all of the necessary training needed. Shift demand is the second constraint that banks can utilize by providing various account types specific to the customers need. At Bank of America, they offer a banking account that is free if you do not come inside the branch for services. This also reduces wait time and will train the customer to use ATM and online services. Standardize the service is the third constraint in which consistency of service is very important. This constraint is going to be the most critical when dealing with teller wait times. The operations manager must understand the busy periods of their branch, such as holiday seasons, lunch breaks, social security payments, pay days close to the 1st and the 15th. Understanding these busy periods will allow for the appropriate amount of staff. Maintaining the same staff and standardizing their ability to perform consistently and with the right tools will allow for a successful teller operation. The fourth constraint is having a bottleneck. This cannot be discovered until the branch is open. Transaction time’s for each teller can be evaluated by calculating how many transactions each teller has performed each day and over how many total hours. If there are busy times and you notice a particular teller is not moving as fast as they should, theShow MoreRelatedThe Growth And Development Of The Banking Sector1280 Words   |  6 Pagesinformation center. The client’s data and information regarding the transactions get replicated in different terminals to enhance the easy transactions between the bank customers and the corporate firms. The bankers think about the customers in different perspective regarding security and providing quality services. What is Big Data? The big data refer to the collection of data and information to analyze the trends and patterns practiced by people when transacting with financial institutions. The transactionRead MoreWestpac Pestel Analysis+Recommendation740 Words   |  3 Pages1. 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