Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Manhatten Project essays

The Manhatten Project papers There are numerous individuals who trust Japan shelled pearl harbor since they felt undermined when the US spread its impact over the Philippines. Anyway in besieging pearl harbor they would begin World War Two. Since the U.S. needed to at last win the war they required a type of a super weapon. Henceforth the Manhattan venture was placed vigorously. The Manhattan venture was exclusively committed to making an atomic weapon that would win the war no doubt. The primary thing that the U.S. expected to do was to amass a group of researchers. The U.S. enrolled six prestigious researchers, each with their exceptional gifts. The primary researcher was Neils Bohr, he is answerable for the possibility that parting was conceivable making the nuclear bomb a conceivable thought. The subsequent researcher was named Glen Seaborg. Seaborg was the first to find plutonium-239 one of the potential powers for the nuclear bomb. The third researcher was Earnest Lawrence. Lawrence concocted an approach to achieve uranium-235 another contender for the fuel in a nuclear bomb. The fourth researcher, Leslie Groves would be liable for making a progressively proficient method of delivering Uranium-235. The fifth researchers name was Enrico Fermi. Fermi found that Fission could be continued in a chain response, this would give the nuclear bomb its extraordinary power.(Bracchini, 3) The last researcher was Robert Oppenheimer. Oppenheimer would be the executive of the Manhattan venture, he was engaged with it at all times. The principal issue with the nuclear bomb was the capacity to discover a fuel that would carry on the way that was required for a splitting response, and the capacity to gain it in not too bad sums. There were two energizes proposed Uranium-235 ,proposed by Neils Bohr, and Plutonium-239, proposed by Glen Seaborg. Uranium-235 was a decent competitor since it can proceed with splitting once it is begun. Anyway to get Uranium-235 they required Uranium mineral which likewise contains ... <!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Average ACT Score for Colleges What You Need to Get In

Normal ACT Score for Colleges What You Need to Get In SAT/ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips In case you're getting ready for the ACT or you've taken the ACT, you most likely need to comprehend what score you have to get into school. What's a normal ACT score for schools? Show improvement over normal to attend a university? In this article, I'll clarify normal ACT scores and what they mean for you. Discover how to ascertain the score you have to give yourself the most obvious opportunity to get into your fantasy school. What Is the Average ACT Score for Colleges? The national normal ACT scores stay generally the equivalent from year to year. By and large, the normal is discharged for secondary school seniors every year. For the class of 2015, these were the normal area and composite scores: Composite: 21.0 English: 20.4 Perusing: 21.4 Math: 20.8 Science: 20.9 Since these midpoints are for all secondary school seniors who stepped through the examination and not for school destined seniors, these scores may not be staggeringly useful for you. A few states require all understudies, even the individuals who don't plan to go to school, to take the ACT. Be that as it may, when you apply to school, you're being analyzed against different candidates, not against all secondary school seniors. The most effective method to Find the Average ACT Score of a Specific College While you might need to know how your ACT score piles facing other people who step through the exam, the main thing is the manner by which your score looks at to different candidates of the universities you apply to. Despite the fact that a 29 is well over the national normal, a 29 is altogether underneath the normal ACT for Ivy League schools. Subsequently, despite the fact that a 29 is an awesome score, you’ll be at a serious inconvenience in the event that you apply to any Ivy League school with a 29. Then again, on the off chance that you apply to Cal States, a 29 will surpass the normal of any California State University grounds, and you’ll improve your odds of getting acknowledged whether you that is your composite score. You can locate the normal ACT scores of various universities in the PrepScholar database by googling â€Å"prepscholar (name of school) ACT† to discover a school’s profile. On the school profile, you can see its normal GPA, normal ACT score, and acknowledgment rate. For instance, as per the PrepScholar database, the normal ACT score forBerkeley is a 30. Additionally, Berkeley's normal GPA is a 3.86 and its acknowledgment rate is 18%. The University of Oklahoma has a normal ACT score of 26, a normal GPA of 3.59, and an acknowledgment pace of 80%. What Does the Average ACT Score of a College Mean to You? On the off chance that you need to get into a specific school, your ACT score ought to be practically identical to the normal score for the college’s concedes. To give yourself the most obvious opportunity with regards to picking up admission to a particular school, we prescribe that your objective ought to be to get at any rate a 75th percentile score for that school. The 75th percentile score for Berkeley is a 33; along these lines, in the event that you need to go to Berkeley, your objective score ought to be a 33. Since Berkeley's acknowledgment rate is just around 18%, you should attempt to outperform its normal score to have a fair shot of picking up affirmation. Similiarly, the 75th percentile score for Oklahoma is a 29. On the off chance that you fantasy about turning into a Sooner, you should go for a 29 on your ACT. Moreover, in light of the fact that a specific number of spots will go to competitors, heritages, and offspring of big-time givers, your capabilities may must be better than normal in the event that you aren’t in one of these classes. Imagine a scenario where You Don’t Get Your Target Score. In the event that you don’t get the 75th percentile score or even the normal ACT score for a particular school, that doesn’t fundamentally imply that you get no opportunity of getting acknowledged. Be that as it may, in the event that you despite everything have the opportunity to arrive at your objective score, it’s most likely to your greatest advantage tostudy and endeavor toimprove your score. You can make up for lower test scores with a higher GPA. For the most part, schools place a more noteworthy accentuation on your transcript than on your state sanctioned grades. Likewise, on each school’s profile in the PrepScholar database, you can utilize our affirmations number cruncher by entering your GPA and ACT score to get a gauge of your odds of picking up admission to that school. Besides, remember that universities will in general utilize comprehensive affirmations, implying that everything is viewed as when schools decide whom to concede. They’ll assess your transcript, test scores, extracurricular exercises, suggestions, application papers, and whatever other components that confirmations officials regard pertinent. On the off chance that you've confronted any critical deterrents or you're from a devastated foundation, schools will likewise consider. Because you don’t arrive at your objective score doesn’t essentially imply that you get no opportunity to get conceded. In any case, while most universities don't profess to have a base ACT score, if your score isn't near the normal score for a specific school, you may have for all intents and purposes no way of getting acknowledged. Regardless of whether you have extraordinary evaluations and heavenly extracurricular achievements, you most likely don't have a sensible shot of getting into Princeton if your ACT score is lower than 20. While state sanctioned tests aren't the main deciding element in school affirmations, most universities utilize the ACT to guarantee that you're equipped for succeeding scholastically. Your ACT score matters! What's Next? Since you find out about normal ACT scores, get familiar with the scores you have to get into the Ivy League and top universities. On the off chance that you've just taken the ACT, see whether you should retake the test. At last, in addition to the fact that we have data about the normal ACT scores for schools, yet additionally we've given you the normal ACT scores by state. Need to improve your ACT score by 4+ focuses? Download our free manual for the best 5 procedures you need in your prep to improve your ACT score significantly.

Friday, August 21, 2020

How to Begin an Essay About Yourself

How to Begin an Essay About YourselfBeginning an essay about yourself should be the easiest step in the process of writing your essay. There are some basic steps that you should follow before you begin writing. Hopefully these tips will help you get started on your first draft of your essay.The first thing you should do is think about what you want to say. Think about where your mind goes when you are thinking about yourself. That is the place you want to start off. If you can find that in your head, you are on the right track.Beginning an essay about yourself needs to start with a statement. You need to come up with a single, simple, but powerful statement that you can use to tell your story. It can be anything you want, but there are some basic things that you should keep in mind when you are doing this step.Do not start with a personal opinion. If you want to know how to begin an essay about yourself, you do not want to start off by stating something like, 'There are certain thing s that I love about myself, and there are certain things that I hate about myself.' You do not want to talk about yourself, even if it is just the things that you like about yourself. If you start off with a personal opinion, you will never get your point across, and it will take you several pages to finish your essay.Begin with a statement that you are passionate about. If you are a person who loves animals, you can state that in your essay. If you are a sports fan, you can state that. If you are an avid reader, you can state that. The more you know about yourself, the better off you will be when you are creating your essay.Start by telling someone about yourself. Make sure it is someone important, and start by describing a good, unique aspect of your life. It could be something you like or dislike, or the part of yourself that is most admired. It can be anything that you want to say about yourself, so long as you have a story to tell.Begin with an idea. To get started, you can wri te a few paragraphs about yourself. Then you can put your story in the next paragraph. Some people like to include a quote at the end, but if you do not, you will not use this for your essay. Use this as an opportunity to define yourself, and to tell a little bit about your life.These are some of the first steps that you should follow when you are starting an essay about yourself. You can do this and have a wonderful story to tell. Remember, the most important thing when you are beginning an essay about yourself is to start with a strong, concise statement that is focused on the personality of the writer.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Gender Inequality Is Defined As Unequal Treatment Or...

Gender inequality is defined as unequal treatment or perceptions of individuals based on their gender (Wikipedia). For as long as I can remember, there has always been issues with gender inequality. Whether it is within a family, in a workplace, or in school, it exists. Gender inequality is one of those things where no matter where you travel, there will always be those instances of someone feeling discriminated because they are a certain gender. We as a nation, need to come together and find a way to stop the effects of gender inequality. In September of 2014, actor Emma Watson arrived at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. While there, she announced that she was the new UN Woman Goodwill Ambassador. She also spoke about her new campaign title â€Å"He for She† (Watson). The backstory to this campaign is trying to get people to realize that there is a problem with gender inequality. The problem is not only with women either, Watson spoke about how there are ineq ualities for men as well. In her speech Watson says, â€Å"I’ve seen young men suffering from mental illness unable to ask for help for fear it would make them look less â€Å"macho† (Watson). When it comes to men and inequality men are intimidated by seeming too girly. This especially comes into mind with guys wanting to be certain things in life or acting a certain way. If a guy wants to have an emotional break down, it is unheard of because that is a girl thing to do. If a guy wants to be a hairstylist or makeupShow MoreRelatedGender Discrimination And The Workplace1356 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction For many decades now it has been said that there has been inequality in the workplace, it has been a major issue in the workplace in terms of women not being allowed to have certain jobs as well as in terms of women not being promoted within the workplace which all contributes to women being paid less than men. According to Ryan and Branscombe (2013), gender discrimination has been defined as the differential treatment members of one group receive compared to another by many social psychologistsRead MoreDifferences Between Men And Women1420 Words   |  6 PagesThe differences between men and women were socially defined and distorted through a lens of sexism in which men assumed superiority over women and maintained it through domination. As the goal of equality between men and women now grows closer we are also losing our awareness of important differences. In some circles of society, politically correct thinking is obliterating important discussion as well as our awareness of the similarities and differences between men and women. The vision of equalityRead MoreGender inequality: Male underachievement1304 Words   |  6 Pagesare earning most of the degrees awarded. Where did our males disappear to? Gender inequality is an extensive, complex and often vague concept. Simply it is defined as the ranking of a particular gender, whether male or female, over the other and how they are treated based on their gender. Gender inequality and the result of male underperformance in schools have become major issues in the Caribbean, and affect the individuals involved and the society on a whole. Boys’ underachievement therefore shouldRead MoreGender Inequality : A Huge Problem971 Words   |  4 PagesGender inequality The world surrounding us today tells us what to do, how to be, and what to think based on the bodies that we live in. However, what the world has forgotten is that we are all just people. People that cry, that bleed, feel the hurt of sorrow or the happiness of pure joy. At the end of the day, it doesn t matter what we do in life but how we live it, how we love ourself and how we love others. So why is gender inequality still such a huge problem? Gender inequality refers to theRead MoreThe Gender Discrimination And Inequality Essay1611 Words   |  7 PagesAim To illustrate the gender discrimination and inequality issues at work and in leadership, consider the reaction to solve these questions. 1.2 Parameters This report discusses some key issues that occur at work and in the leadership of gender discrimination and inequality and current their improved programs in Australia and the United States. It illustrates background context, analysis and future direct, as well, there is 2000 words limit. 1.3 Definitions Gender discrimination is a situationRead MoreReflection Of A Critical Thinking Portfolio1329 Words   |  6 Pagesconsider more consciously the topic that I chose to investigate. I will explain in details the information that I have gathered in the portfolio. I chose to look at gender and why women are still held back in society. Gender inequality is defined as unequal treatment of individuals based on their gender. I will briefly discuss issues of unequal pay and sexual violence against women in the UK. Time immemorial it has been women that have been on the receiving end of this imbalanced economy, political andRead MoreHuman Geography And Development Studies1611 Words   |  7 Pagesholistic perspective as it involves the relationship is between the health of populations or individuals (using statistical evidence) and the location/space where health care facilities are located. In relation to spatial organization health geography involves the spread of disease and planning for s uitable health care. For instance the Aboriginal population located in Australia. Overtime they have been defined as a marginalized population, suffering from low death rates, addiction to alcohol and highRead MoreGender Inequality : A Hierarchical Structure Of Opportunity And Oppression Essay1882 Words   |  8 PagesBroad Overview of Gender Gender is part of the framework of the institutional framework of society. Gender is a hierarchical structure of opportunity and oppression as well as a structure of identity and cohesion. Gender is a socially constructed experience. It is a learned identity. (Zinn Eitzen, 1993) Gender inequality defined Gender inequality, in my opinion, is the unequal, unfair and biased treatment of both sexes. According to Ferree,1991:107 â€Å"Gender inequality is a widespread problem inRead MoreInequality: Pretense or Presence? Essay2055 Words   |  9 PagesInequality: Pretense or Presence? In the United States today, we live in a society that works under the faà §ade of seeming equal, of appearing, outwardly at least, free of discrimination and applying equal opportunities to the rights, liberties, and freedoms to all its citizens. However, that’s just it: An external faà §ade. Yes, beneath the gleaming faux-marble exteriors of newly gentrified urban areas, and even within the corporate infrastructures supposedly promoting hiring equity, something isRead MoreGender Inequality Within The Workplace1724 Words   |  7 Pagessame job is one of them. Women are capable of getting a job, but we still fall behind due to unequal wages between women and men for the same duties. Gender inequalities are a huge factor in the workplace. There is a lot of tension when it comes to women being over worked. The amount of responsibilities that women have, from work to home and everything in between, is ridiculous and it is all based on the gender roles that society has develope d. Lastly, what really triggers feminism is the world expecting

Friday, May 15, 2020

Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee - 1982 Words

In towns with small populations, remaining conversant with the unspoken laws of the community is not difficult as the knowledge of who is socially acceptable to talk to and who is thought of as more of an outsider than a neighbor is not hard information to come across. Harper Lee highlighted this in her novel To Kill A Mockingbird by telling the story of life in Maycomb County, Alabama, through the eyes of Jean Louise Finch, whom everyone called Scout. While Scout, her father Atticus, and her older brother Jem were considered to be at the top of Maycomb’s social caste due to their light complexion, respectable family history, and Atticus’ career as a lawyer, other families were not so lucky. As Jem stated, There s the ordinary kind like us and the neighbors, there s the kind like the Cunninghams out in the woods, the kind like the Ewells down at the dump, and the Negroes. (Harper 259). Though the Cunningham’s were white, which would normally mean superiority in t his small town, their inability to make as much money as others as well as their isolated home placed them lower on the social scale than other middle and upper class citizens, such as the Finches and Miss Maudie. At first, Young Scout fully believed the scale’s interpretation of the Cunningham’s when the youngest, Walter, got her in trouble. Attempting to explain why Walter didn’t have a lunch and refused to borrow money from the teacher did not work out, and Scout blamed this on Walter and his poor familyShow MoreRelatedKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1049 Words   |  5 PagesTo Kill a Mockingbird: How a Story could be based on True Events in Everyday LifeDaisy GaskinsCoastal Pines Technical Collegeâ€Æ'Harper Lee was born in Monroeville, Alabama. Her father was a former newspaper editor and proprietor, who had served as a state senator and practiced as a lawyer in Monroeville. Also Finch was known as the maiden name of Lee’s mother. With that being said Harper Lee became a writer like her father, but she became a American writer, famous for her race relations novel â€Å"ToRead MoreTo Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee1000 Words   |  4 Pagesworld-wide recognition to the many faces of prejudice is an accomplishment of its own. Author Harper Lee has had the honor to accomplish just that through her novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, a moving and inspirational story about a young girl learning the difference between the good and the bad of the world. In the small town of Monroeville, Alabama, Nelle Harper Lee was born on April 28, 1926. Growing up, Harper Lee had three siblings: two sisters and an older brother. She and her siblings grew up modestlyRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1290 Words   |  6 PagesHarper Lee published To Kill a Mockingbird during a rough period in American history, also known as the Civil Rights Movement. This plot dives into the social issues faced by African-Americans in the south, like Tom Ro binson. Lee felt that the unfair treatment towards blacks were persistent, not coming to an end any time in the foreseeable future. This dark movement drove her to publish this novel hopeful that it would encourage the society to realize that the harsh racism must stop. Lee effectivelyRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee873 Words   |  4 PagesIn the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee illustrates that â€Å"it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird† throughout the novel by writing innocent characters that have been harmed by evil. Tom Robinson’s persecution is a symbol for the death of a mockingbird. The hunters shooting the bird would in this case be the Maycomb County folk. Lee sets the time in the story in the early 1950s, when the Great Depression was going on and there was poverty everywhere. The mindset of people back then was that blackRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee963 Words   |  4 Pagesgrowing up, when older characters give advice to ch ildren or siblings.Growing up is used frequently in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Harper Lee uses the theme growing up in To Kill a Mockingbird to change characters opinion, develop characters through their world, and utilizes prejudice to reveal growing up. One major cause growing up is used in To Kill a Mockingbird is to represent a change of opinion. One part growing up was shown in is through the trial in part two of the novelRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1052 Words   |  5 PagesTo Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee takes place in Maycomb County, Alabama in the late 30s early 40s , after the great depression when poverty and unemployment were widespread throughout the United States. Why is the preconception of racism, discrimination, and antagonism so highly related to some of the characters in this book? People often have a preconceived idea or are biased about one’s decision to live, dress, or talk. Throughout To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee examines the preconceptionRead MoreHarper Lee and to Kill a Mockingbird931 Words   |  4 PagesHarper Lee and her Works Harper Lee knew first hand about the life in the south in the 1930s. She was born in Monroeville, Alabama in 1926 (Castleman 2). Harper Lee was described by one of her friends as Queen of the Tomboys (Castleman 3). Scout Finch, the main character of Lees Novel, To Kill a Mockinbird, was also a tomboy. Many aspects of To Kill a Mockingbird are autobiographical (Castleman 3). Harper Lees parents were Amasa Coleman Lee and Frances Finch Lee. She was the youngestRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1695 Words   |  7 PagesIn To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee presents as a ‘tired old town’ where the inhabitants have ‘nowhere to go’ it is set in the 1930s when prejudices and racism were at a peak. Lee uses Maycomb town to highlight prejudices, racism, poverty and social inequality. In chapter 2 Lee presents the town of Maycomb to be poverty stricken, emphasised through the characterisation of Walter Cunningham. When it is discovered he has no lunch on the first day of school, Scout tries to explain the situation to MissRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1876 Words   |  8 PagesThough Harper Lee only published two novels, her accomplishments are abundant. Throughout her career Lee claimed: the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, Goodreads Choice Awards Best Fiction, and Quill Award for Audio Book. Lee was also inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Letters. This honor society is a huge accomplishment and is considered the highest recognition for artistic talent and accomplishment in the United States. Along with these accomplishments, herRead MoreKill A Mockingbird, By Harper Lee1197 Words   |  5 Pagessuch as crops, houses, and land, and money was awfully limited. These conflicts construct Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mocking Bird. In To Kill a Mocking Bird, Lee establishes the concurrence of good and evil, meaning whether people are naturally good or naturally evil. Lee uses symbolism, characterization, and plot to portray the instinctive of good and evil. To Kill a Mocking Bird, a novel by Harper Lee takes place during the 1930s in the Southern United States. The protagonist, Scout Finch,

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Big Bank Analysis Essay - 869 Words

Big Bank Case Analysis Operations Management MGT 713 Marla Fletcher October 21, 2012 Problem A bank is opening up a new branch where the operations manager will have to make important decisions regarding teller operations. A large apart of customer service is dependent upon wait time and seamless service. The operations manager wants to be prepared and avoid wait time complaints that have transpired at other branches. Since this is a new branch, demographics will also come into play in deciding how to approach teller operations. The operations manager collects data regarding teller operations which states that â€Å"an average 80 customers are processed during the noon hour. The average processing time for customers with a single†¦show more content†¦The manager must find part time tellers who only want part time work in order to eliminate the tradeoffs. Over time, part time workers will be beneficial and have all of the necessary training needed. Shift demand is the second constraint that banks can utilize by providing various account types specific to the customers need. At Bank of America, they offer a banking account that is free if you do not come inside the branch for services. This also reduces wait time and will train the customer to use ATM and online services. Standardize the service is the third constraint in which consistency of service is very important. This constraint is going to be the most critical when dealing with teller wait times. The operations manager must understand the busy periods of their branch, such as holiday seasons, lunch breaks, social security payments, pay days close to the 1st and the 15th. Understanding these busy periods will allow for the appropriate amount of staff. Maintaining the same staff and standardizing their ability to perform consistently and with the right tools will allow for a successful teller operation. The fourth constraint is having a bottleneck. This cannot be discovered until the branch is open. Transaction time’s for each teller can be evaluated by calculating how many transactions each teller has performed each day and over how many total hours. If there are busy times and you notice a particular teller is not moving as fast as they should, theShow MoreRelatedThe Growth And Development Of The Banking Sector1280 Words   |  6 Pagesinformation center. The client’s data and information regarding the transactions get replicated in different terminals to enhance the easy transactions between the bank customers and the corporate firms. The bankers think about the customers in different perspective regarding security and providing quality services. What is Big Data? The big data refer to the collection of data and information to analyze the trends and patterns practiced by people when transacting with financial institutions. The transactionRead MoreWestpac Pestel Analysis+Recommendation740 Words   |  3 Pages1. Westpac PESTEL analysis 1. Political and Legal analysis There are huge amounts of regulations and laws supervising the banking system in Australia. In this paper, we focus on one important and famous regulation: ‘four pillars’ policy. Basically, the ‘four pillar’ is a specific Australian policy to maintain the separation of ‘big four’ banks including Westpac and to prevent any merge and acquisition among these four banks (1997) .In terms of the report from both TUNSTALL (2007) andRead MoreCanadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce1355 Words   |  6 PagesCompany Description Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce or CIBC as most know it, has been operating since 1867. They are a profit corporation that offers public banking and financial services to individuals, small businesses, and also other corporations. CIBC is a Canadian corporation that has branched out and now does business in Europe, Asia, Australia, Latin America, and of course The United States (Wikipedia). CIBC has focused its core business on retail and business banking, wealth managementRead MoreBenefits Of Credit From Multiple Lenders1148 Words   |  5 Pagesborrowing from a single bank can eliminate the information disclosure that occurs when the firm borrows from multiple banks, it results in the firm’s competitors to infer that the firm is hiding information and react accordingly (Yosha, 1995). Detragiache et al (2000) provide a basic principle for a firm to look for multiple lenders by considering the cost incurred when it is denied credit by its bank for reasons. As an illustration, a temporary liquidity shortage leads the bank to be forced to denyRead MorePEST POTER Analysis of State Bank of India1487 Words   |  6 Pages State Bank of India SUBJECT : PEST POTER Analysis of State Bank of India This assignment’s main objective is to provide PEST and POTER’s five force analysis.The service provider ‘State Bank of India’ is the subject of investigation in this assignment.State Bank of India is a well know financial provider in banking industry and is anRead MoreEffect of Monetary Policy in Banking Industry in Nigeria1068 Words   |  5 PagesCHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 AREA OF STUDY The area of study o this research work is to determine the effect of monetary policy on the performance of banks in Nigeria. This study will cover all the commercial banks that have been in existence since 1975-2004. More so, the aggregates rate is used in assessing their performance. 3.2 METHOD OF INVESTIGATION/SOURCE OF INFORMATION According to Asika (2002), research work can be defined as the restructuring of investigation aimed at identifyingRead MoreImpact Of Big Data On Businesses1298 Words   |  6 Pages The impact of big data to businesses CIS 5681 Research Project Big Data Solution for Businesses Summer 2015 06/24/2015 Sai Kireety Kokkiligadda â€Æ' Abstract Big data is buzzword in every field of business as well as research. Organizations have found its application across various sectors from Sports to Security, from Healthcare to e-Commerce. Information when rightly put in use can cease the market. For instance, with the rise of smart phone purchases, transactions throughRead MorePorter 5 Forces Analysis1011 Words   |  5 PagesPorter s 5 Forces Analysis of the Retail Banking Industry in Australia Retail banking can be defined as an industry where financial institutions offer mass market banking in which individual customers use local branches of larger commercial banks. Services offered include savings and checking accounts, mortgages, personal loans, debit/credit cards. Retail banking aims to be the one-stop shop for as many financial services as possible on behalf of retail clients. Some retail banks have even made aRead MoreGovernment Bailout for Corporate Failures Essay1458 Words   |  6 PagesGup (2003) brings out that financial trouble is a periodical concern that occurs to banks, industrial companies and other organizations. Gup begins his article by reviewing the history and importance of government bailouts for corporate failures. In his article on â€Å"What Does Too Big to Fail Mean?† he uses rhetoric questions in order to engage the readers in his analysis of government bailouts. For instance, he poses the question, â€Å"what should governments and government regulators do about it?† (GupRead MoreBank Of Americ Market Prospect And Based On Long Term Investitors Profitability1249 Words   |  5 Pagesprocess started from the analysis of the market prospect and based on long-term investitors’ profitability. First o f all we compared all the four building blocks of the analysis making a selection and finding out that few companies were not as convenient as the others. Even though it isn t the BEST in most of these fields, WFC is a much safer investment than those that beat it. General Description BANK OF AMERICA: The third biggest company in the world and one of the â€Å"Big Four banks† in the United States

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Arming Teachers In Schools free essay sample

Since the establishment of public education in the United States, schools have provided a sense of security and belonging to their students. Although sitting through lectures and doing homework may not be the most exciting thing in the world, students will always have a lunch to eat, a roof over their head, and a supportive teacher or counselor that they can talk to. Despite the â€Å"safe† environment and presence of authoritative figures on school campuses, trouble always finds a way to break out. Simple misbehaving and occasional fights are a common occurrence on most school campuses, however a new breed of troublesome and violent students has hatched. The type of violence that nobody should ever witness or be involved in, a crime so sickening that no proper-functioning human being could ever commit. Now, more common than ever before, school shootings threaten the lives of those who attend school, jeopardizing the structure of public education. Will students and faculty continue going to school, just hoping that someone won’t come in campus with a high powered assault rifle and slaughter everyone in their sights, or will educators rise to the occasion and protect their students? August 1st, 1966. Charles Whitman, a 25-year-old engineering student and former marine attending the University of Texas, opened fire from the clock tower on campus. Soon police arrived and exchanged shots, eventually killing Whitman. However, Charles managed to kill 17 people (including an unborn child) and wound 31. This was the first shooting of its kind of the 21st Century, shocking the nation and striking fear in the hearts of all school attendees. Fortunately, another mass school shooting in the U.S. didn’t break out for another 30 years. On February 2nd, 1996, Barry Loukaitis gunned down his teacher and two other students, then held his class hostage for 10 minutes until he was restrained by a P.E. teacher. He was only 14 years old and was sentenced to two consecutive life sentences, followed by an additional 205-year sentence. Since then, 8 other mass school shootings have occurred, in the states of Kentucky, Arkansas, Colorado, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, and Most recently, Connecticut. Perhaps the  most commonly known school shooting since Sandy Hook on December 14th, 2012, was the Columbine High School shooting in Colorado, Where two gunmen killed 12 students, wounded 26, then turned their weapons on themselves in the school library. This world-known shooting sparked debates and legal action towards school security, gothic dress style (baggy pants/trench coats that can conceal weapons), teen use of anti-depressants, and violent PC/Console video games. The most recent school shooting, commonly known as â€Å"Sandy Hook†, took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Colorado. A Single gunman killed 26 individuals, including 18 young children under the age of twelve. Interestingly, Sandy Hook was considered a â€Å"high security† school, with an entrance system that requires visitors to be identified through cameras, then â€Å"buzzed† in. Additionally, all entrances lock at 9:30am; however the gunman literally made an entrance by shooting through the walls with his assault rifle. He shot up the main office then proceeded to a kindergarten and first grade block where he claimed most of his victims. After the horror of this event soaked in, millions of state legislatures, teachers, parents, congress, and even the president finally decided that these shootings must stop. President Barrack Obama stated, â€Å"This is our first task as a society—keeping our children safe,† â€Å"This is how we will be judged.† This powerful quote captivated millions, encouraging everyone to take a much-needed stand against the domestic terrorism that has taken the lives of students and teachers nationwide. Active members of countless organizations got together and began brainstorming ideas to combat the terror. Thoughts flourished for months, including stricter gun laws, extensive background checks and waiting periods on individuals attempting to purchase firearms, improving school security, reducing media violence, and also mental health checks on students. Although these ideas are all effective in preventing an attack that hasn’t happened yet, there was no significant suggestion made that could truly stop an attack that was in progress. Kevin Leatherbarrow, a high school English teacher, said, â€Å"We’re sitting ducks,† â€Å"You don’t have a chance in hell. You’re dead – no ifs, ands, or buts.† Finally, the seed was planted; teachers should be armed in order to protect themselves and their students incase of an attack. Initially, there was two basic extremes of the debate on arming teachers; the liberal groups who entirely rejected the idea of arming teachers and pushed for insanely strict gun laws instead, and  the â€Å"other side†, consisting of firearm experts, conservatives, gun enthusiasts, and others who felt that it was more than a gun that claimed the lives of victims at Sandy Hook; who were fairly open to the idea of arming teachers. Their capital viewpoint is â€Å"guns don’t kill people, people kill people.† Martin O’Malley, the Governor of Maryland, labeled the idea, â€Å"Outrageous, extreme, and reprehensible:† Its hard to imagine a level of weaponry that a security guard would be carrying on their belt that could have resisted the sort of attack that that individual perpetrated in Newtown. Although the shooter had an assault rifle on him, it has been argued that a single, well-placed bullet could have easily stopped the shooter – no fancy assault rifle required. At the very least, a teacher would have a chance to protect themselves and the lives of their students, as opposed to being slaughtered like fish in a barrel. On the other hand, Steve Dulan, a member of the Michigan Coalition of Responsible Gun Owners said, â€Å"Having armed teachers inside Sandy Hook Elementary School would have, if not prevented, then perhaps minimized, the tragedy.† This quote emphasizes the fact that teachers have never really been able to defend themselves against any school shooting in history. It’s extremely easy for any student to toss a gun in their backpack, pull it out in class, and immediately out-arm everyone in the classroom. Rules only work when people follow them and obviously no school gunman has ever done so. The â€Å"game† needs to change. Although upgrading the most deadly object in a classroom from a stapler to a gun seems like a good deterrent for anyone looking to attack a school, it is not an easy decision to make. Kenneth S. Trump, President of National School Safety and Security Services, declared, â€Å"School districts considering arming teachers and school staff with guns would take on significant responsibility and potential liabilities that I firmly believe are beyond the expertise, knowledge-base, experience, and professional capabilities of most school boards and administrators.† This suggests that the educational system truly shouldn’t have to decide whether or not to arm their teachers, and it’s tragic as a society that things have even gone this far. After all, it’s a school, not a prison. Aside from the moral aspect, the capabilities of a teacher are commonly questioned. Would they be able to pull the trigger if needed? Could they even hit a target? What if a student overpowered a teacher? This doubt raises more than a few  eyebrows, especially those of Jennifer McCormick, Superintendent of Yorktown Community Schools, who said, â€Å"Most of our people who go into education are not properly trained or have that kind of experience. But I would also be concerned about the fact that by providing 30 to 40 weapons in the building, that someone might be overpowered youve just provided people with an arsenal thats already in your building. This is a possibly the biggest flaw in the idea of arming teachers, because it’s absolutely true. Teachers aren’t all physical specimens, many of which could easily be overpowered by a student. Although it is highly unlikely in elementary school, high school is a completely different setting, packed full of 200+ lbs. athletes that are more than capable of taking down your average teacher. The firing squad of analysts exposed so many flaws in arming teachers that the idea was forced to change, which it did, quickly and effectively. The position of SRO (School Resources Officer) has been the newest focus on protecting schools. Although SRO’s have been around since the 90’s, their job description has mainly consisted of steering children towards drugs and gang activity through â€Å"kid-friendly† teaching. Now they have began to â€Å"beef-up† their position, carrying guns at all times and maintaining a presence throughout the day. Now, schools have gone from having one SRO, to two or three, some campuses even providing a â€Å"control room† for the SRO’s to regulate campus activities from. Howard Shephard, a veteran teacher at Asheville High School, said â€Å"The idea of arming teachers there are some of my colleagues I would not want carrying a gun at school,† Shepherd said with a laugh. â€Å"On the other hand, I’m very comfortable with our SRO, and I would love it if we had two or even three more. If the money is going to be spent defending our schools with arms, it should be by trained SROs.† The program has been very successful nationwide and teachers attest to the sense of security the feel with the officer’s presence. When asked if arming teachers was a good idea, Terry Hodge, an educator, replied, â€Å"I don’t know if it would really be a benefit,† he said. â€Å"I feel comfortable with the SRO program we’ve got.† This shows that SRO programs have already proven themselves, and are capable of far more than just defending campuses against shootings. SRO’s have been embedded on many campuses nationwide for the past two decades, often serving the schools for long periods of time, allowing  the officers to develop solid relationships with students and teachers. They are protectors, friends, and educators. Despite the past success of SRO’s, some people still disagree with the idea of â€Å"armed guards† on campus, mainly because of the aspect of guns. An avid forum participator who goes by the internet alias â€Å"Attaturk†, posted on a discussion forum on, Oh if only so and so was armed this could have been prevented.' If that were true, Adam Lanzas mother should have been safe — she was armed to the teeth. Instead, she was the first victim in this heartbreaking killing spree. This quote suggests that weaponry cannot control any school shooting or gun-related act of violence. Although the mother of the shooter at Sandy Hook had quite a few weapons, she didn’t have any on her to defend herself. The main point of an SRO is to have at least one armed and properly trained official to be present on the campus incase there was an attack. The reoccurring focus is to have individuals who are prepared to take immediate action, as opposed to waiting for police, when it takes only minutes to slaughter an entire building of people. David Thweatt, Superintendent of Harold High School, Harold, Texas, reiterates this point in a bluntly,† Our people just don’t want their children to be fish in a bowl,† â€Å"Country people are take-care-of-yourself people. They are not under the illusion that the police are there to protect them.† Although police are indeed around to serve the public, they do not always respond fast enough to stop a mass shooting. Thweatt is surely not alone when expressing his fear of helplessness when unable to defend himself or others around him in the case of a school shooting. Although the debate continues, the idea of having multiple SRO’s at school campuses has seemed to win the opinion of most people willing to â€Å"arm the schools.† If SRO programs spread throughout the nation, officers who are balanced at both protecting and educating, should increase in numbers in schools all over the United States. This would greatly increase the defense capabilities that schools have against intruders, as well as deter any individuals from committing such crimes. Hopefully in the near future, students and teachers will be well protected by SRO’s, safely returning home to their loving parents everyday. In a perfect world, monstrous human beings  willing to massacre innocent children and teachers would not exist. Unfortunately, the United States is an imperfect nation, and us citizens must adapt to combat the evil.