Sunday, February 23, 2020

Society-Law & Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Society-Law & Government - Essay Example The adult parole population grew 1.1%, rising to a total of 732,351 by December 31, 2001.† Glaze also added that since 1995, there had been a steady growth in correctional population. From 1.3 percent annual growth, it had increased to 3.7 percent per annum on jails, 3.6 percent per annum on prisons, and 3.4 percent per annum on probation (Glaze, 2001). With the continued financial difficulty brought about by the global economic crisis, it is no wonder that more and more people are committing felony. For some, drugs could have been a way of escape since 25 percent or a quarter of all probationers were convicted of a drug law violation. Others, alcohol had been a way of escape since 18 percent of all probationers were arrested for driving intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol (Glaze, 2001). I would definitely agree with the statistics given the fact that the general American public is very stressed out with ways of coping with financial difficulty that almost everyone is experiencing right now. Social stratification refers to the various strata of social groups that make up the community. Social groupings based on gender, ethnicity, power, economic affluence, are just a few means to which people are grouped together. For instance, in our current society, people are more often associated with upper, middle, or lower classes. By studying the concepts of social stratification, one would be able to identify how each social group relates to one another and how their presence affects the community as a whole. By doing so, it hopes to be able to find the root causes of inequality and its impact on the overall aspects of the social life (Saunders, 1990). In terms of the delivery and quality of legal services in the United States, I believe that economic inequality and ethnicity are two driving social forces that impact its efficacy.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Scholarship Essay. I have included the prompt at the start of the Essay

Scholarship . I have included the prompt at the start of the first page. Please read the prompt to understand what they're looking for - Essay Example Through adversity, I pursued my desire to help others, learned all that I could from each of my healthcare experiences, and made positive contributions to society through community and volunteer work. Until the end of 1st grade, I went to a public school located in a part of Queens that was extremely diverse—most of the other children had immigrant parents. It was a great environment to grow up in; however, I went to a new public school for 2nd grade through 6th grade because my family moved to part of Queens where my neighbors turned out to be racist and unwelcoming. For the first few weeks in our new neighborhood, eggs were thrown at our house daily. The teachers at the new public elementary school did several things to prevent me from succeeding and receiving the credit I was due for my hard work and talents. According to report cards and other criteria, I was supposed to have been the valedictorian, but because that honor was normally given to a white student, I was passed over. In 6th grade, my English teacher gave me a report card grade that did not match my test and class performance. So my mother, with her limited language skills, brought it to the teacher’s attention. The teacher and principal both ignored my mother, and so my mother spoke with the district superintendant, who investigated and corrected my grade. In retaliation, however, the vice principal of the school barged into my French class one day and asked me to step out in the hallway, where he proceeded to tell me in a hostile manner that my teacher never wanted to see me again. As such, they had decided to pull me from the honors track mid-semester. Because my mother felt that I would further be harmed academically if she reported this, she decided it would be best for me to attend another public school. As a result, I had to move in with my paternal grandmother, who lived in a more diverse part of Queens, on the provision that I would provide